Soil Mechanics MCQ Pdf | Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering MCQ Questions and Answers Pdf

Soil Mechanics MCQ Pdf Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering MCQ Questions and Answers Pdf

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mcq soil mechanics soil mechanics multiple choice questions soil mechanics objective questions pdf

1. The normal road land width for a major district road in open area, is
A. 45 m
B. 25 m
C. 15 m
D. 12 m
Answer: Option B

2. When an up gradient of a highway meets a downgrade, the vertical curve provided, is known as
A. valley curve
B. sag curve
C. summit curve
D. all the above.
Answer: Option C

3. The convexity provided to the carriageway between the crown and edge of the pavement, is known as
A. super-elevation
B. camber
C. height of the pavement
D. None of these.
Answer: Option B

4. The minimum design speed of various types of highways in plain terrain is the same as the ruling design speed of
A. rolling terrain
B. mountainous terrain
C. steep terrain
D. none of these.
Answer: Option A

5. The type of transition curves generally provided on hill roads, is
A. circular
B. cubic parabola
C. Lemniscate
D. spiral.
Answer: Option D

6. Curves in the same direction separated by short tangents, are called
A. simple circular curves
B. compound curves
C. transition curves
D. broken-back curves.
Answer: Option D

7. For maximum strength and durability minimum percentage of cement, by weight is
A. 15%
B. 20%
C. 25%
D. 30%
Answer: Option D

8. The first stage of deciding the alignment of a hill road, is
A. reconnaissance
B. detailed survey
C. trace-out
D. preliminary survey.
Answer: Option A

9. Roadway width for a National highways and State highways (two-lanes) is
A. 12 m
B. 9 m
C. 9.5 m
D. 15 m
Answer: Option A

10. Maximum super-elevation on hill roads should not exceed
A. 5%
B. 7%
C. 8%
D. 10%
Answer: Option D

11. Highway facilities are designed for
A. annual average hourly volume
B. annual average daily traffic
C. thirtieth highest hourly volume
D. peak hourly volume of the year
Answer: Option C

12. The provision of traffic signals at intersections
A. reduces right angled and rear end collisions
B. increases right angled and rear end collisions
C. reduces right angled collisions but may increase rear end collisions
D. reduces rear end collisions but may increase right angled collisions
Answer: Option C

13. In CBR test the value of CBR is calculated at
A. 2.5 mm penetration only
B. 5.0 mm penetration only
C. 7.5 mm penetration only
D. both 2.5 mm and 5.0 mm penetrations
Answer: Option D

14. If aggregate impact value is 20 to 30 percent, then it is classified as
A. exceptionally strong
B. strong
C. satisfactory for road surfacing
D. unsuitable for road surfacing
Answer: Option C

15. The camber of shoulders in water bound macadam roads is
A. equal to the cross slope of pavement
B. less than the cross slope of pavement
C. greater than the cross slope of pavement
D. zero
Answer: Option A

16. The particular places where pedestrians are to cross the pavement are properly marked by the pavement
A. stop lines
B. turn markings
C. crosswalk lines
D. lane lines
Answer: Option C

17. The ductility value of bitumen for suitability in road construction should not be less than
A. 30 cm
B. 40 cm
C. 50 cm
D. 60 cm
Answer: Option C

18. The entrance and exit curves of a rotary have
A. equal radii and equal widths of pavement
B. equal radii but pavement width is more at entrance than at exit curve
C. equal pavement widths but radius is more at entrance curve than at exit curve
D. different radii and different widths of pavement
Answer: Option D

19. The fundamental factor in the selection of pavement type is
A. climatic condition
B. type and intensity of traffic
C. subgrade soil and drainage conditions
D. availability of funds for the construction project
Answer: Option B

10. Tie bars in cement concrete pavements are at
A. expansion joints
B. contraction joints
C. warping joints
D. longitudinal joints
Answer: Option D

21. As per IRC recommendations, the maximum limit of super elevation for mixed traffic in plain terrain is
A. 1 in 15
B. 1 in 12.5
C. 1 in 10
D. equal to camber
Answer: Option A

22. If b is the wheel track of a vehicle and h is the height of centre of gravity above road surface, then to avoid overturning and lateral skidding on a horizontal curve, the centrifugal ratio should always be
A. less than b/2h and greater than co-efficient of lateral friction
B. less than b/2h and also less than co-efficient of lateral friction
C. greater than b/2h and less than co-efficient of lateral friction
D. greater than b/2h and also greater than coefficient of lateral friction
Answer: Option B

23. The most efficient traffic signal system is
A. simultaneous system
B. alternate system
C. flexible progressive system
D. simple progressive system
Answer: Option C

24. The terrain may be classified as rolling terrain if the cross slope of land is
A. upto 10%
B. between 10% and 25%
C. between 25% and 60%
D. more than 60%
Answer: Option B

25. Rigidity factor for a tyre pressure greater than 7 kg/cm² is
A. equal to 1
B. less than 1
C. greater than 1
D. zero
Answer: Option B

26. Reaction time of a driver
A. increases with increase in speed
B. decreases with increase in speed
C. is same for all speeds
D. none of the above
Answer: Option B

27. For rapid curing cutbacks, the oil used is
A. gasoline
B. kerosene oil
C. light diesel
D. heavy diesel
Answer: Option A

28. “Dead Slow” is a
A. regulatory sign
B. warning sign
C. informatory sign
D. none of the above
Answer: Option A

29. The aggregates required for one kilometer length of water bound macadam road per meter width and for 10mm thickness is
A. 8 cubic meter
B. 10 cubic meter
C. 12 cubic meter
D. 15 cubic meter 
Answer: Option C

30. Length of a vehicle affects
A. width of traffic lanes
B. extra width of pavement and minimum turning radius
C. width of shoulders and parking facilities
D. clearance to be provided under structures such as overbridges, under-bridges etc.
Answer: Option B

31. The desirable length of overtaking zone as per IRC recommendation is equal to
A. overtaking sight distance
B. two times the overtaking sight distance
C. three times the overtaking sight distance
D. five times the overtaking sight distance
Answer: Option D

32. Most suitable material for highway embankments is
A. granular soil
B. organic soil
C. silts
D. clays
Answer: Option A

33. For design, that length of transition curve should be taken which is
A. based on allowable rate of change of centrifugal acceleration
B. based on rate of change of super elevation
C. higher of (A) and (B)
D. smaller of (A) and (B)
Answer: Option C

34. When the speed of traffic flow becomes zero, then
A. traffic density attains maximum value whereas traffic volume becomes zero
B. traffic density and traffic volume both attain maximum value
C. traffic density and traffic volume both become zero
D. traffic density becomes zero whereas traffic volume attains maximum value
Answer: Option A

35. Percentage of free carbon in bitumen is
A. more than that in tar
B. less than that in tar
C. equal to that in tar
D. none of the above
Answer: Option B

36. If the design speed is V kmph and deviation angle is N radians, then the total length of a valley curve in meters
is given by the expression
A. 0.38 N V3/2
B. 0.38 (NV3)”2
C. 3.8 NV”2
D. 3.8 (NV3)”2
Answer: Option B

37. RC-2, MC-2 and SC-2 correspond to
A. same viscosity
B. viscosity in increasing order from RC-2 to SC-2
C. viscosity in decreasing order from RC-2 to SC-2
D. none of the above
Answer: Option A

38. Equivalent factor of passenger car unit (PCU) for a passenger car as per IRC is
A. 1.0
B. 2.0
C. 0.5
D. 10
Answer: Option A

39. When two equally important roads cross roughly at right angles, the suitable shape of central island is
A. circular
B. elliptical
C. tangent
D. turbine
Answer: Option A

40. Which of the following is considered to be the highest quality construction in the group of black top pavements?
A. Mastic asphalt
B. Sheet asphalt
C. Bituminous carpet
D. Bituminous concrete
Answer: Option D

41. With increase in speed of the traffic stream, the minimum spacing of vehicles
A. increases
B. decreases
C. first decreases and then increases after reaching a minimum value at optimum speed
D. first increases and then decreases after reaching a maximum value at optimum speed
Answer: Option A

42. With increase in speed of the traffic stream, the maximum capacity of the lane
A. increases
B. decreases
C. first increases and then decreases after reaching a maximum value at optimum speed
D. first decreases and then increases after reaching a minimum value at optimum speed
Answer: Option C

43. The shoulder provided along the road edge should be
A. rougher than the traffic lanes
B. smoother than the traffic lanes
C. of same colour as that of the pavement
D. of very low load bearing capacity
Answer: Option A

44. If the group index value of subgrade is between 5 and 9, then the subgrade is treated as
A. good
B. fair
C. poor
D. very poor
Answer: Option C

45. In hill roads the side drains arc provided
A. only on the hill side of road
B. only on the opposite side of hill
C. on both sides of road
D. none of the above
Answer: Option A

46. The function of an expansion joint in rigid pavements is to
A. Relieve warping stresses
B. Relieve shrinkage stresses
C. Resist stresses due to expansion
D. Allow free expansion
Answer: Option D

47. The diagram which shows the approximate path of vehicles and pedestrians involved in accidents is known as
A. spot maps
B. pie charts
C. condition diagram
D. collision diagram
Answer: Option D

48. Which of the following is known as design capacity ?
A. basic capacity
B. theoretical capacity
C. possible capacity
D. practical capacity
Answer: Option A

49. Enoscope is used to find
A. average speed
B. spot speed
C. space-mean speed
D. time-mean speed
Answer: Option B

50. If an ascending gradient of 1 in 50 meets a descending gradient of 1 in 50, the length of summit curve for a stopping sight distance of 80 m will be
A. zero
B. 64m
C. 80m
D. 60m
Answer: Option D

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